The Beverley Big Band

Christmas at Ramsgate Tunnels

Dear Friends, we are pleased to announce that Sildenafil tablets dose and the drug’seffects. The findings show that risk of heart trouble is not increased for most people taking sildenafil, but it is increased for a small proportion ofpeople. Some people had no heart problems after taking sildenafil on top of their normal pill-taking pattern, some had heart problems even at low doses, and some had other side effects, for example chest pain, diarrhoea and sweatingproblems. Some people taking sildenafil may also experience erectile difficulties or pain at the site ofpenis. we shall once again be returning to  The Ramsgate Tunnels on Saturday 1st December, this will be an afternoon performance with a Christmas Theme, who knows Santa may  drop by with a sack full of goodies. Further details TBA.


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